AirFit P10 with ClimateLineAir Tube & 2 Filters - AirSense 10

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The ResMed AirFit P10 Nasal Pillow Mask, celebrated for its award-winning design, provides lightweight support, comfort, and quietness that stands out from the rest. It features nasal pillow cushions for maximum mobility and minimal facial coverage, offering a sense of freedom. The slip-on headgear is simple to use, and the QuietAir vent technology disperses air quietly and away from you and your partner, promoting a comfortable sleep environment.

Included in the bundle:

  • AirFit P10 Nasal Pillow Mask - Fit Pack
  • ClimateLineAir Heated Tube compatible with AirSense 10 and AirCurve 10 CPAP Machines
  • 2 ResMed Premium Universal Filters S9/S10 AirSense Filters
A Division of Austin Medical Supply Inc. 14211 NE 18th Ave, Miami FL, 33181 ~ 1 (305)989-2017