DreamStation 2 Express Tubing Adapter for SoClean Series Sanitizers

DreamStation 2 Express Tubing Adapter for SoClean Series Sanitizers

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Now you can sanitize your Respironics DreamStation 2 CPAP Machine and SystemOne CPAP & BiPAP machines with Heated Humidifiers using the SoClean 2 CPAP Cleaner and Sanitizer thanks to this easy to use adapter. 


This tubing adapter is required to connect your SoClean CPAP Sanitizer to DreamStation 2 Series CPAP or BiPAP Machines. Two blue sleeves, for use with the DreamStation 2's optional 12mm tubing, are also included in this package.

A Division of Austin Medical Supply Inc. 14211 NE 18th Ave, Miami FL, 33181 ~ 1 (305)989-2017