eXciteOSA Daytime Therapy Device Starter Pack

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 eXciteOSA® is the world's first daytime therapy option that is FDA-authorized, easy to use, non-invasive and clinically proven to significantly reduce snoring and mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

 Using eXciteOSA for just a few minutes daily strengthens weak tongue muscles, targeting the root causes of snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). With eXciteOSA, there aren't any masks or tubes and nothing to wear at night, which is ideal for those seeking an alternative to traditional CPAP therapy.

 For optimal results, replace the eXciteOSA mouthpiece every 90 days with the eXciteOSA Replacement Mouthpiece.

A Division of Austin Medical Supply Inc. 14211 NE 18th Ave, Miami FL, 33181 ~ 1 (305)989-2017